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Our Solutions

Integrated Deployment

Complete deployment of the high altitude platform with all the necesary payloads and communication infrastructure critical to your mission. Mission data and deployment unique to your use case.

Multi-spectral sensor platform

Sensor platforms with multiband spectral imagery in visible, NIR , MWIR and longwave infrared. 

Light weight space qualified optical communication payload

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Custom Development

If you have sensor and communication payload requirements that are not met by our current configurations, we offer engineering services for custom design and development. Our engineering services build on top of our vast portfolio of intellectual property in sensors, laser modulators and receivers offering a time and cost effective development solution for your needs.

We Integrate With Your Ecosystem

Whether you are deploying a new cubesat or a HAPS, our payloads can be integrated easily. The payload interfaces are designed to standard cubesat configurations with standardized electrical and software interfaces.

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